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Degrees at Boston

Degrees at Boston

Pretty much everyone who undertakes a journey to university is thinking about the amazingΒ career prospectsΒ they will have once they complete their bachelor’s degree. In recent years theΒ graduate job market has become increasingly fierce, and standing out amongst all the other recent graduates is tough. It is likely to take some years to climb the career ladder, and a mindset of continuous learning is an advantage.

β€œTomorrow’s leaders must be equipped with new-age competencies in order to have successful careers.” So says Ari Katz, CEO of Boston City Campus & Business College. β€œThis will ensure that graduates will be in demand by employers,” he says.

Accredited by the Council on Higher Education, at level 8, the Boston Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PG Dip) provides prospective graduates, (with or without work experience),Β  with a unique postgraduate opportunity to gain advanced knowledge of business and general management. According to Dr. Hendrik Botha, Head of Institution at Boston, β€œthis qualification incorporates the core management competencies for emerging and aspiring leaders in our rapidly evolving societies. Students will acquire skills and values such as adaptability, assertiveness, conflict resolution, integrity, interpersonal, professional etiquette, leadership, communication, time management, and frustration tolerance”.

The qualification further focusses on vital management practices, such as quantitative competencies for data-driven management and decision making in the digital era, including operations, people management, and others.

Charmari BAcc e1565101723578β€œThe accounting and finance fields offer wonderful prospects for those who have a passion for numbers, detail and analysing information. The industry expects that an accountant has integrity, killer time management skills, great organisational and communication skills and a strong sense of ethics.

I see an accountant as someone who is focussed, driven, committed, determined, and a go-getter. An accountant has a hunger for knowledge, continuously develops her/his skills and strives for success” says Charmari Wolmarans CA (SA), Academic and Quality Manager at Boston City Campus & Business College.

Maintaining discretion is essential, and you will need to be the kind of person that can integrate information and from that draw conclusions. If this is the career for you, enroll for the Bachelor of Accounting at Boston.

20190304 125928 e1565101659462Would you like to join an elite group of Commerce graduates with acumen in both Business, Finance; and Law?

Consider a career in commerce with a focus on the legal aspect of this exciting industry. Prepare for a dynamic legal future, in the public or commercial sector.

According to Barry Schwartz, Attorney at Law as well as a consultant to Boston, β€œWith a BCom in Law you will master the theory, principles, and applications of law and commerce, including business, mercantile law, financial management, and human resources management. Using these skills and the knowledge you gain in the degree, you will be able to participate in legal aspects of commerce required by your company”.

Schwartz says that β€œrunning and operating a business these days is a minefield in terms of what you have to know, what you can say, how you can advertise, what the implications are for opening a new business, handling competitors – a whole host of issues arise. We realised that there is a business in running a business!”

Dr LInda Meyer 1 e1565101998371Dr. Linda Meyer, Dean: Institutional Advancement at Boston is a fan of degrees in Social Science. Meyer says that; “your social science degree prepares you for many careers in many fields.

Social science is a powerful academic foundation that provides you with the opportunity to develop skilled employees. These include oral and written communication, interpersonal, teamwork, technical, analytical, critical thinking, organizational, and problem-solving skills.

While a social science major does not provide a profession, it does open employment opportunities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution thinking and specific skills development”.

The Boston Degrees can be done part-time, full time as well as through online lectures in order to accommodate the training needs of students.

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