Contact Us
Head Office
Non-South African
Student Administration
Office – Verification
Non-South African
Student Administration
Office – Verification
Eastern Cape
Cnr 1st Avenue and Nelson
Mandela Drive
Alberton Crossing Shopping Centre, Cnr Voortrekker Rd and Ring Rd West, New Redruth
1st Floor Boston Building
130 Main Street
(Opposite Carlton Centre)
Glen Gables Shopping Centre, Cnr. January Masilela Drive & Lynnwood Road
1st Fl Republic Leasing
Cnr. Gerrit Maritz &
Burger Streets
Alberton Crossing Shopping Centre,
Cnr Voortrekker Rd and Ring Rd West,
New Redruth
1st Floor Boston Building
130 Main Street
(Opposite Carlton Centre)
Glen Gables Shopping Centre
Cnr. January Masilela Drive &
Lynnwood Road
1st Fl Republic Leasing
Cnr. Gerrit Maritz &
Burger Streets
KwaZulu Natal
Northern Cape
Northwest Province
1st Floor City Plaza Building
Cnr. O.R. Tambo &
Neser Streets
1st Floor City Plaza Building
Cnr. O.R. Tambo &
Neser Streets