BCC Blog

Inkfish Internships available, always!

BUTTERFLY Promoters Poster WEBInkfish Internships available, always!

Work from home, four hours per day.

Gain experience (these are unpaid internships) and refernces

We are always taking in new apprentices, so keep the link for when the time is right for you.

This is the link:

Thank you so much for sharing our program!

National vac work opportunity!

Butterfly promotions:

We are looking for people who are specifically studying Marketing, advertising, Branding and sales but anyone who would like to get some work experience.

Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town

Marketing Advertising and Branding students preferred, but anyone may apply!

Planned dates for promotions are 15 – 27th January

Send a two minute video application telling us why we should consider you:

Include name, age and location (be precise!)

Tell us who you are and what you love – tell us about YOU!

Sing/rap a song about butterfly pocket files

Send with a copy of CV and ID to info@butterflysa.co.za

Only successful candidates will be contacted , (within 7 days)

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