Soul Candi Stories

Good music can make the world a better place

Jordan Aerts profileBoston sat down to chat with successful Soul Candi Graduate to find out more about the man behind the mixer!

My stage name is  Jordan Arts, and I qualified with a Higher Certificate in music production and composition. This qualification has accreditation from the South African Board of People Practices. Currently, I keep myself busy with daily activities which stem from the fact that I own my own production company and am a full-time producer and performer. What led me to study music? I have always had a passion for music but didn’t have the knowledge I needed to make it a sustainable career. Hence my registration with Boston.

From my studies to where I am now, I have grown a huge amount since I finished my studies at Soul Candi. Since then I have performed at shows like Oppi Koppi, H20 Festival and Rage festival, had my music play at It’s Personal festival, and in a few clubs in Berlin and started a successful production company doing ads for Corona and Budweiser. My opinion of the South African music scene at the moment is that the South African music industry is under a lot of strain right now due to COVID  -but we have so much talent in our country that I’m sure it will pick up as soon as lockdown is over.

There are so many opportunities in this industry. For Dj’s and musicians in South Africa and globally. There are opportunities in this country but you have to be willing to put in the work or you’ll never get to what you want. You have to work harder than anyone else in your sphere and that is what will make you stand out. So keep pushing and working towards your goal no matter how long it takes, if it were easy everyone would do it.

Find out more about Jordan’s qualification in Higher Certificate in Marketing Specialisation Digital Music here.



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